Autumn 2016: Hibiya Park

Visit Date: 11/17/2016 (Best viewing Time: late November to early December)

Hibiya Park (日比谷公園) is a public park that lies between the east gardens of the Imperial Palace, the Shinbashi district and the Kasumigaseki government district. It is Japan’s first western modern park with flowers and trees for all season which makes it a prefect place of relaxation for people working in the nearby business district.

Gorgeous autumn colors are approaching its peak specially around the Shinkei/Kumogata Pond and Open-Air Concert Hall.

Gorgeous fall colors around the Shinkei/Kumogata Pond.

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Autumn 2016: Revisiting Showa Kinen Park

Visit Date: 11/13/2016 (Best viewing Time: early November to early December)

The Showa Memorial Park 昭和記念公園 in Tachikawa is typically one of the first few places in Tokyo to see autumn colors. The Japanese garden in the park is one of the best places to see a beautiful canvas of colors.

autumn2016_showakinenpark01 People crowding the bridge near the garden entrance.

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Autumn 2016: Karuizawa

Visit Date: 11/01/2016 (Best viewing Time: mid October to early November)

Karuizawa is a resort town situated at the foot of the active volcano, Mt. Asama in Nagano Prefecture. It just over an hour away from Tokyo by shinkansen. It offers different outdoor activities, scenic locations and various shopping and dinning opportunities.

Vibrant autumn colors envelop the town and excellent views around the Karuizawa Station welcome visitors.

Autumn2016_Karuizawa01Canvas of beautiful autumn colors on the mountains as seen from the Karuizawa Station.

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Autumn 2016: Showa Kinen Park

Visit Date: 10/22/2016 (Best viewing Time: early November to early December)

The Showa Memorial Park 昭和記念公園 located in Tachikawa is a massive park that is popular all through out the year but is specially beautiful during spring and autumn.

Autumn colors are already starting to show in the Tachikawa entrance as well as the Japanese garden.

Autumn2016 Showa Kinen 01 Ginkgo Avenue near the Tachikawa Gate.

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Hiking Mt. Fuji

Mount Fuji (富士山 Fujisan) is an active stratovolcano which last erupted in 1708. It is the highest and most prominent mountain in Japan which stands at 3,776.24 meters or 12,389 feet. It is located on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka prefectures on Honshu island which is about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo.

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